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Actor Tom Welling, best known for his role in “Smallville” was arrested in California suspected of driving under the influence.
Two shows at the opposite ends of the entertainment spectrum topped the list of the most streamed shows last year, but it was a kid’s show that dominated streaming services.
Officials have determined what killed actress Linda Lavin.
I'm a Tulsa native who came into the radio scene from a background in music. A love for playing guitar, and piano and writing my own songs for myself led me to the broadcasting mic.
You could probably say I'm an old soul in a millennial body. You can usually find me either listening to podcasts, reading biographies of comedians, or getting wrapped up in a documentary while eating too many bowls of cereal. I'm that person doodling during meetings and finding every excuse to drink another cup of coffee.
I hate all-melon fruit cups (what is the point?), drivers that don't use blinkers, and when people don't put any effort into their Halloween costumes.